clear example of overcoming plot of a film about the original novel. Based on the work of Harry Harrison "Make room!, Make room!", "Soylent Green went on to become on the day of its release in classic reference in the subconscious of science fiction cinema, as well as an emblem of the psychotic American mind, and then wrapped in a succession of paranoia related to climate change Government infiltration of a population without services from the most basic human needs, birth overwhelmed and, in general, the crisis more tricky and exasperating. Environment
except in cities controlled at points of entry and exit by the forces of state control over rural areas still bear some of the orchards (converted to the new earthly paradise) where to plant natural products, all of them and turned into objects of super-rare luxury.
As is often the idiosyncrasies Yankee metaphor about the state of things is reduced to one of his most charming areas, in this case New York City, converted into a mixture of doomsday scenario North African bazaar, jumble metropolitan wasteland seems an imaginary war-torn world.
Almost everything on the novel by Harrison are vague, imprecise or direct narrative ineptitude in the Fleischer film are concepts and final judicial decisions. So that what in the novel are 'escorts' in the film are directly 'furniture', which implies a deepening of the concept of slavery and held at that only hinted at and misses, so the first are mere clusters of artificial food to which the author is not going to get much more out in the second weapon becomes conclusive to the outcome of the film, explores the tragedy and the intervention of the political elite (a rate of "Soylent green, soylent yellow granules and soylent network, made with berries produced in Asia! ").
The murder and subsequent investigation, and tiring, that underpin "Make room!", especially for poor-stupid-arguably, the film acquired a necessary and conclusive approach, while Harrison gives Sun's roommate's detective character, a stupid death, in the work of Fleischer the Sun (the great Edward G. Robinson in an excellent paper twilight) attends a funeral spa that further enriches the pessimistic conception of the human condition hopeless. All the footage soldier with the invaluable presence of Charlton Heston, an actor especially intuitive for these businesses.
Here are all the modernity which is presupposed to tape in advance as is "Soylent When" Western society beset by economic crisis, energy and environmental commodity-dependent eastern joined to the crisis of values \u200b\u200band state terrorism. Just what lies ahead.